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The joy of generosity is contagious.

Leverage your finances for tangible Kingdom impact in the context of biblical community.

Ambassadors Club is a giving collaborative with a goal to empower young professionals in pursuit of biblical generosity and stewardship that advances the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of always wanting more. That next salary, job title, house, or experience.

What if God has something better in mind…

Ambassadors Club believes young professionals can experience the joy of generosity early in our careers.

We aim to provide members with:

  • An Avenue for generous giving

  • Accountability to practice generosity

  • Amplified giving through the pooling of resources and matching grants

  • Actionable advice and pragmatic wisdom on biblical stewardship

Components of Ambassadors Club

Community & Fellowship

It’s like an investment club, but instead of members talking about stock market investing, the group meets quarterly to discuss non-profit ministries to invest in jointly.

Impact Multiplication

Giving in community enables impact to be amplified through others, and it also provides a strong pipeline of high-quality ministries for members to prayerfully consider.

Biblical Accountability

Sometimes, we joke that AC is like a recovery group for people who struggle with greed. Exploring God’s view of money and biblical stewardship with peers helps us keep our hearts in check and inspires us to live more like Jesus.

Whether you give $5 or $5,000, you’re welcome here.

Learn more about joining a local chapter.